OTM Adopters

This page contains a non-exhaustive list of companies that have adopted OTM. It can be a great way to quickly see which companies are rapidly innovating and are in favor of open standards. Missing your name? You can provide it to info@sutc.nl together with a logo.

Logo Company Type of company Applications Use cases Website
app2track logo App2track IT App Transport & Home Delivery Track & Trace https://www.app2track.com
adapt logo Adabt IT Interfacing transport orders, CBS enquete https://www.adabt.com/nl/
Bricklog Bricklog IT dashboarding CBS interface https://bricklog.nl/
cbs CBS Government Statisctics interface road haulage https://www.cbs.nl
Logo Centric L FC 1 900x261 transparant Centric IT TMS - WMS Logistic Data Exchange https://www.centric.eu/nl/
Data2Track logo 1207 1 01 Data2Track IT Fleet Management System interface TMS-FMS https://www.d2t.nl/
Filogic FiLogic IT Open TMS TMS - FMS / TMS - TMS interface https://filogic.nl/
hessing logistiek logo Hessing Logistiek Logistic Service Provider TMS CBS enquete https://www.hessinglogistiek.nl/
MobiCoach IT Fleet Management System FMS - Traffic Management / DefLOG https://www.mobicoach.eu/
RGB RGBPlus IT Transport Management System TMS - control tower interface https://www.rgbplus.nl/
de rooy de Rooy Transport Logistiek Logistic Service Provider TMS CBS enquete https://derooytransport.nl/
simacan logo Simacan IT supply chain visibility & control platform ETAs, trip planning updates and realisation data https://www.simacan.com
tans logo transparant TANS IT Transport Management System TMS - TMS interface https://www.tans.net
transportial logo Transportial IT Transport Management System TMS based on OTM https://www.transportial.com
VOICT VOICT IT IT Transport Management System TMS - control tower https://voict.nl/
VTS Transport VTS Transport Logistic Service Provider TMS CBS enquete https://www.vts.nl/