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The what and why of Open Trip Model

After years of working in the domain of logistics and traffic data we have experienced that various parties represent the same type of data differently. This is not unexpected, since every party optimizes for their own use case, but has as a result that custom translation layers need to be made over and over again when these parties want to communicate with each other. This is a costly and time consuming experience. When parties that use the same type of data actually use the same language, you don't have to make these translations layers anymore. This makes the technological landscape simpler and results in less custom-made software.

Instead, it is better to invest in this specification once, with a one-time cost of implementation and specification, creating a better understanding between various parties.

Note that OTM is not aiming to remove all custom-made software within the domain, it is aiming to greatly reduce the amount of custom-made software. OTM is in active development and will continously be able to support more use cases and provide more guidelines on how to model these use cases correctly.

On this portal

This portal consists of four main parts:

The top level bar

That contains links to the most important resources:

  1. This page.
  2. The official API documentation defined using OpenAPI . It contains all the entities, data structures and operations that OTM5 supports.
  3. The Github repository for change requests , either to the specification or the API documentation page. If you have any questions or suggestions, this is the place to discuss.


This section contains the overview of what OTM consists of, and which concepts are being used. It contains a high-over that shows how all the entities are related to each other.

How Tos

Containing how to use the various concepts in the fundamentals using examples and more explanation.

OTM profiles

Looking at different use cases we can see different needs. A transport management system (or TMS) has different needs than a fleet management system (or FMS). These use cases talk about the same type of data, but put their focus on how this data is connected differently. OTM profiles ensure that each of these use cases get clear guidelines on how to be modelled in OTM.