Example OTM5 messages

This page contains a few examples to help you on your way to create common OTM5 messages.


Note that these examples are based on the monitoring trip profile

A (planned) trip

We start with a trip, give it a unique ID, and add the relevant parties involved (shipper, carrier):

  "id": "976eed42-bccc-4731-9d01-85ec3a16bd7b",
  "status": "requested",
  "actors": [
      "entity": {
        "id": "0d3198ad-2f2d-4aed-8c77-6d7779aefba3",
        "name": "Shipping Company TM"
      "roles": [ "shipper" ],
      "associationType": "inline"
      "entity": {
        "id": "005cffff-4aba-4e2d-a79d-d428ba93ae8a",
        "name": "Carrier Transport"
      "roles": [ "carrier" ],
      "associationType": "inline"
  "actions": [ ]

Then we create the first stop on the departure location:

      "entity": {
        "id": "2664fb3c-9ce4-4a56-98d0-4ac76c2a40c4",
        "lifecycle": "planned",
        "sequenceNr": 0,
        "location": {
          "entity": {
            "id": "5a71bd67-e51c-46d1-842b-5fa171c0eb08",
            "name": "Location of distribution center Bananas Inc",
            "geoReference": {
              "lat": 1,
              "lon": 0,
              "type": "latLonPointGeoReference"
          "associationType": "inline"
        "actions": [ ],
        "actionType": "stop"
      "associationType": "inline"

We can add a constraint, to indicate that this stop should be visited between the boundary time windows:

"constraint": {
    "entity": {
    "value": {
        "startTime": "2021-03-25T10:00:00Z",
        "endTime": "2021-03-25T11:00:00Z",
        "type": "timeWindowConstraint"
    "associationType": "inline"

Then, on the stop, a load action is created, with the consignment to be loaded:

            "entity": {
              "id": "2a806c26-640c-4562-85d5-8ea4b9e7d80f",
              "lifecycle": "planned",
              "consignment": {
                "entity": {
                  "id": "04a9870f-52c0-463a-80c1-7d1d81c8b38a",
                  "goods": [
                      "entity": {
                        "id": "db504c69-3769-4d70-9403-c870dabdbe4c",
                        "description": "Ordered box of Bananas",
                        "quantity": 2,
                        "type": "items"
                      "associationType": "inline"
                "associationType": "inline"
              "actionType": "load"
            "associationType": "inline"

The complete trip can be found here

A trip with vehicle, trailer and driver information

Continuing, once the trip contains planned actions we can attach a vehicle:

  "vehicle": {
    "entity": {
      "id": "1ee44c03-f899-421f-8e89-8f568ca30424",
      "vehicleType": "truck",
      "fuel": "Diesel",
      "length": {
        "value": 9,
        "unit": "m"
      "height": {
        "value": 4.2,
        "unit": "m"
      "width": {
        "value": 2.5,
        "unit": "m"
      "licensePlate": "AB-12-CD"
    "associationType": "inline"

Whenever we found a driver to drive the truck, we can add that to the actors of the trip (not the vehicle):

  "entity": {
    "id": "6084fd58-d26b-47e9-945b-5df9f2a36d70",
    "name": "Hank",
    "contactDetails": [
        "value": "0031699999999",
        "type": "phone"
  "roles": [ "driver" ],
  "associationType": "inline"

Lastly, if we need a trailer on the truck we can attach it on a stop (usually the first). As an example here is the complete first stop with trailer attachment:

      "entity": {
        "id": "2664fb3c-9ce4-4a56-98d0-4ac76c2a40c4",
        "lifecycle": "planned",
        "sequenceNr": 0,
        "location": {
          "entity": {
            "id": "5a71bd67-e51c-46d1-842b-5fa171c0eb08",
            "name": "Location of distribution center Bananas Inc",
            "geoReference": {
              "lat": 1,
              "lon": 0,
              "type": "latLonPointGeoReference"
          "associationType": "inline"
        "actions": [
            "entity": {
              "lifecycle": "planned",
              "transportEquipment": {
                "entity": {
                  "id": "25b01018-a5b4-4cee-a14f-6b72d8624b77",
                  "equipmentType": "trailer",
                  "licensePlate": "01-AAA-1"
                "associationType": "inline"
              "actionType": "attachTransportEquipment"
            "associationType": "inline"
            "entity": {
              "id": "2a806c26-640c-4562-85d5-8ea4b9e7d80f",
              "lifecycle": "planned",
              "consignment": {
                "entity": {
                  "id": "04a9870f-52c0-463a-80c1-7d1d81c8b38a",
                  "goods": [
                      "entity": {
                        "id": "376a5f1f-0b68-4671-bab6-2bd2b63c9f7b",
                        "description": "Ordered box of Bananas",
                        "quantity": 2,
                        "type": "items"
                      "associationType": "inline"
                "associationType": "inline"
              "actionType": "load"
            "associationType": "inline"
        "constraint": {
          "entity": {
            "value": {
              "startTime": "2021-03-25T10:00:00Z",
              "endTime": "2021-03-25T11:00:00Z",
              "type": "timeWindowConstraint"
          "associationType": "inline"
        "actionType": "stop"
      "associationType": "inline"

You might wonder why the trailer is on the stop instead of on the vehicle itself. The reason is that in many logistic operations there might be more than one trailer involved. By using one system the simple case might be a little more involved, but it works without any changes for more complex operations.

The complete trip with vehicle information can be found here

A trip with realization data

So, once we have the complete planned trip above we can start driving and enrich the real-time GPS data to the vehicle by some FMS:

  "id": "a9c8746e-d6ca-401b-8890-759188789092",
  "lifecycle": "actual",
  "vehicle": {
    "uuid": "1ee44c03-f899-421f-8e89-8f568ca30424",
    "entityType": "vehicle",
    "associationType": "reference"
  "geoReference": {
    "lat": 2,
    "lon": 3,
    "type": "latLonPointGeoReference"

Now the original trip can be enriched with the realized stop data by creating stops with the same UUID, but the lifecycle realized:

      "entity": {
        "id": "2664fb3c-9ce4-4a56-98d0-4ac76c2a40c4",
        "lifecycle": "realized",
        "sequenceNr": 0,
        "location": {
          "uuid": "5a71bd67-e51c-46d1-842b-5fa171c0eb08",
          "entityType": "location",
          "associationType": "reference"
        "startTime": "2021-03-25T10:11:00Z",
        "endTime": "2021-03-25T10:34:00Z",
        "actions": [
            "entity": {
              "id": "2a806c26-640c-4562-85d5-8ea4b9e7d80f",
              "lifecycle": "realized",
              "consignment": {
                "uuid": "04a9870f-52c0-463a-80c1-7d1d81c8b38a",
                "entityType": "consignment",
                "associationType": "reference"
              "actionType": "load"
            "associationType": "inline"
        "constraint": {
          "entity": {
            "value": {
              "startTime": "2021-03-25T10:00:00Z",
              "endTime": "2021-03-25T11:00:00Z",
              "type": "timeWindowConstraint"
          "associationType": "inline"
        "actionType": "stop"
      "associationType": "inline"

The complete trip with all realization data can be found here

A trip with consignor/consignees

The above trip depicts the situation where all the goods in the trip belong to a single party, the shipper. However in real logistic operations it often happens that a carrier transports goods of different parties in a single trip. You can model this situation in OTM5 by using the designated actor roles consignor and consignee on each consignment:

    "consignment": {
      "entity": {
        "id": "04a9870f-52c0-463a-80c1-7d1d81c8b38a",
        "goods": [
            "entity": {
              "id": "eb2e8f2a-b573-4d66-9d99-ff9235e10415",
              "description": "Ordered box of Bananas",
              "quantity": 2,
              "type": "items"
            "associationType": "inline"
        "actors": [
            "entity": {
              "id": "a1c3c25b-f766-45b6-b09d-07005d565353",
              "name": "Bananas Inc."
            "roles": [ "consignor" ],
            "associationType": "inline"
            "entity": {
              "id": "02724538-1022-46cc-8286-186154fc0b9b",
              "name": "Fine Food groceries"
            "roles": [ "consignee" ],
            "associationType": "inline"
      "associationType": "inline"

The complete trip using consignor/consignee can be found here.